Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Pretty Unlimited Podcast, Episode 100: The Incohearent 100th Episode Extravaganza

For the 100TH EPISODE(!!), Anna and Khris play some tipsy games! While taste-testing two mixed drinks (shouts to Ciroc), they played a new game full of gibberish called Incohearent. Lots of laughs! Thank you for listening to 100 episodes of Pretty Unlimited; stick around for the next 100!


Ciroc drink recipes we tried:

Send your thoughts, questions, Tipsy Advice letters, and concerns:

The Pretty Unlimited theme music was produced by Rediculus for Platformz Music.

Follow Pretty Unlimited online:
Website: www.prettyunlimited.com/
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PlayerFM: player.fm/series/2424735

For more on Rediculus and Platformz Music:

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Editorial: Where Are The Children?

Yesterday, I saw an ABC News piece regarding thousands of missing schoolchildren.  When the country had to move to remote learning, many children simply never logged on.  NOW, schools are claiming that they're doubling down to get these children back to school as many of our nation's schools are back in the classroom.  We don't need to review all of this.  There are dozens of reasons why these children aren't back in school.  

With return to in-person learning, thousands of students still 'missing' from schools

School officials say there are still thousands of students unaccounted for.

Lack of internet, lack of a support system, no computer at home, parents/guardians that don't know how to handle the remote learning, parents/guardians that don't fucking care, etc.  Here's my fear.  Are they alive and healthy?  

These children are hopefully known by someone.  Someone somewhere knows about every child.  If you haven't seen a child...........inquire.  Ask about them.  Reach out to the parents/guardians.  If you can't or are in a position that you don't want to ask, call DYFS or whatever entity is in your area.  Ask for a well visit.  

THEN FOLLOW UP!!!! For weeks, for months.  Whatever it takes.  

My fear is that some of these children are being abused and neglected, maybe even killed.  Do the right thing, look out and look after our children.  On the State Child Welfare Agency website, you can find the contact information for all 50 states to the agencies you should contact if there is a child you can't be sure is safe and sound.  Here is the link to the State Child Welfare Agency Websites.  

Book Review: God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens

Book Review: God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens

I very nearly didn't want to write this review because I purposely try not to discuss religion and politics publicly.  The folks that like to lash out when you don't share their opinion can be a tad overwhelming and flat-out fucking annoying.  Ah well.  Fuck em.  

The overall writing by Mr. Hitchens was able to hold my attention.  It's a bit snarky, but since I love snarky....it works very well for me.  I found myself stopping to re-read passages.  Not that I didn't understand his points on the first reading, but because it was another opportunity to understand what I've always felt myself and thought inside my own conversations.  I felt as though he gave me permission to have thoughts I'd kept hidden out of fear of judgment from those around me.  

This does read as a more academic approach to the subject but it's not forced.  It doesn't come across as (haha) holier than thou but you have no doubts about the author's knowledge and reasoning for his continued search for what amounts to a world belief in fairy tales.  

Mr. Hitchens' book should be read by anyone on that border between not believing in a god and maybe just getting to the outskirts of the arena.  I say arena because it is a game of sport and you are forced to choose a side.  There are so many instances of fact-based thinking and ideals in this book, that you feel a need to gift it to those "others" for Christmas.  In fact, I am planning to buy this book for those believers.  I won't if even one of them would open their mind to the possibility.  If they are open, Mr. Hitchens' words will bring them around.  Of that, I have no doubt.  

My favorite line is in Chapter 19, page 277, 1st paragraph:

In point of fact, we do not have the option of "choosing" absolute truth, or faith. 

All in all, this was a pretty good book.  It won't be donated so it can stay on my shelf.  I wonder who I will leave this to in my will?  Hmmmm maybe I'll pray on it.  LOL not! 

I give it 4 shots out of 5.  

Monday, June 7, 2021

Pretty Unlimited Podcast, Episode 99: Wonder Woman is My Sister

This week, Anna and Khris get an update on a Tipsy Advice letter from Episode 94 about a woman trying to hold onto her photo albums from her husband. Later, they taste test some Wise Southern Peach Habanero chips! Fun show as always, and our next show will be our 100th episode! Subscribe and stay tuned.

Send your thoughts, questions, Tipsy Advice letters, and concerns:

The Pretty Unlimited theme music was produced by Rediculus for Platformz Music.

Follow Pretty Unlimited online:
Website: www.prettyunlimited.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PrettyUnlimitedBlog/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pretty_unlimited/
Twitter: twitter.com/PrettyUnlimited

Subscribe to the Pretty Unlimited Podcast!
YouTube: bit.ly/PrettyUnlimitedYouTube
Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/PrettyUnlimitedPod
Spotify: bit.ly/PrettyUnlimitedSpot
SoundCloud: @prettyunlimited
Spreaker: www.spreaker.com/show/pretty-unlimited
PlayerFM: player.fm/series/2424735

For more on Rediculus and Platformz Music:

Pretty Unlimited Podcast, Episode 138: 2023 New Year's Resolutions

On this episode, Anna and Khris are back with another Jack Daniels soda, some Jack Daniels whiskey cake, and a look at what they have plan...